Polish Nationwide Seaside Design Meetings „The Young Man and the Sea”

Piotr Mikołajczak; Polish Nationwide Seaside Design Meetings „The Young Man and the Sea”
Wydział: Architektura i Wzornictwo
Polish Nationwide Seaside Design Meetings „The Young Man and the Sea”
Piotr Mikołajczak Polish Nationwide Seaside Design Meetings „The Young Man and the Sea” The role of an experiment in the entry level of design education.
When empty beaches of Krynica finish their rest before the explosion of the summer season’s fever, the participants of the Seaside Design Meetings wake them up from the winter sleep. For more than a decade they are being combed and dressed up, stroked and tousled, tickled and dug.
Several hundreds of young designers, tens of noble professors and younger assistants, hundreds of invited guests and random spectators had participated in those spectacles at the beach in Krynica Morska.
The publication
Polish Nationwide Seaside Design Meetings „The Young Man and the Sea”
The role of an experiment in the entry level of design education in the Polish version – Przejdź
Scientific review
full professor Włodzimierz Dolatowski
associate professor Anna Miarka
Photography editor
Piotr Mikolajczak
Anna and Grzegorz Zięcina
Graphic design
Piotr Mikołajczak, Paweł Gełesz
Paweł Gełesz