Data: 15–19/04/2024
Wydział: Architektura
Architecture Workshop Week to wydarzenie edukacyjne skierowane do Studentów II stopnia Wydziału Architektury obu kierunków: Architektury Wnętrz oraz Architektury Przestrzeni Kulturowych.
Termin warsztatów 15-19 kwietnia 2024 r. | miejsce: Wielka Zbrojownia
Warsztaty to zaproszenie do twórczej przygody, której hasłem jest CREATE THE MESS. Studenci będą pracować pod czujnym okiem wykładowców:
Tuomas Siitonen Aalto University, Helsinki, Finlandia
Aurora León Escuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja, Logroño, Hiszpania
Udi Cramsky Holon Institute of Technologies, Tel Aviv, Izrael
Danica Pišteková & Tomáš Tholt Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Słowacja
Efekty pracy studentów można zobaczyć w piątek 19 kwietnia podczas finałowej prezentacji o godzinie 13.00
O wykładowcach [ENG]
Tuomas Siitonen
Aalto University, Helsinki FI
Tuomas Siitonen (b. 1974) is a Finnish architect (M.Sc., 2006), designer (M.A., 2003) and educator based in Helsinki. He is currently the Lecturer of Architectural principles at the Department of Architecture in Aalto University. He runs his own practice, Tuomas Siitonen Office, focusing on sustainable private houses and is a partner in Good Kombo, where he designs exhibitions and museum renewals in a multidisciplinary team. His work has been nominated for Finnish Wood Prize and exhibited in surveys of Finnish Architecture and the Nordic Pavilion of Venice Biennale. In 2018 he was selected Teacher of the Year by students of the Department of Architecture. His current passion is mapping out ways to achieve a holistic paradigm shift towards sustainable construction.
Aurora León
Escuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja, Logroño ES
Aurora León Bellido is graduated in architecture by ETSAV in Barcelona. She worked in her own architecture office in Logroño till 2018 developing projects and competitions. She was the director of the International Heritage Conferences of La Rioja from 2015-2019 and opened and ran PLANTA BAJA, a design and art gallery. She collaborated in the first edition of the architecture festival Concentrico with an installation in the court of La Rioja’s Museum and now collaborates as a jury member of the competitions of the festival. From 2018, she works as interior design teacher in ESDIR, Escuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja, teaching Composition, Projects and Scenography. She is the Head of the Interior Design department since 2021. She had developed international workshops in different locations such as LUCA Art School in Brussels, Immaconcept in Bordeaux, College of Creative Studies in Detroit and Greenside Design Centre in Johannesburg.
Udi Cramsky
Holon Institute of Technologies, Holon, Head of Interior Design Department
Cramsky Architects, Tel Aviv, Israel
I am an architect, interior architect, environmental designer, I am a design teacher, I am the head of HIT interior design department, I specialize in technologies and architectural detailing, as much as systems De and Re instruct, I might say I am an artist, I hand craft and design digital materialistic oriented works, I presented projects in four of the Israeli Biennale for Ceramics, I am researching and searching with materials and design methods after new ways of communication and control of space for people, presenting them in exhibitions. I am, as far as I can say, doing all these at instance regardless of specific time or one place.
Danica Pišteková & Tomáš Tholt
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, SK
Danica Pišteková and Tomáš Tholt have led the studio On Bodies and Space at AFAD Department of Architecture in Bratislava since 2021. They believe architects are no longer just creators of buildings, but also materials and processes. Their experimental studio deals with the relationship between a body and the space, focusing on the envelopes that surround us, material speculations in 1:1 prototypes and architecture that is more volatile than static, soft rather than hard, haptic and vulnerable, lived and able to change. They believe in discovering rather than designing.